Tuesday, December 11, 2012

lady agga meat bandages

these are the meat bandages from lady gaga. they are from lady gaga because of her meat dress she once wore. they are bandaids and look like fresh meat. they look cool. there are also bacon bandages so look out for those!

the bendy pencils

these are the bendy pencils. they really work. you can bend them in all different directions. they are not made out of pencil led. they are made out of some rubber stuff.

the dollar pencil

this is the dollar pencil. the dollar pencil has a picture of the 100 dollar bill on it. it is really cool and i have one.

the scented eraser wheel

this is the scented eraser wheel. it has 6 erasers which each smell of a different smell. there is the hotdog smell, coconut smell, watermelon smell, gumball smell, marshmallow smell, and the cherry slushie smell. Each of the erasers have a little container on the wheel as you see on the top picture. they come in 3 colors, purple, orange and yellow.

the piranha

this piranha pencil sharpener is awesome. you sharpen your stick your pencil into the sharpener and then open its mouth above the trash can and all the trash out of it falls out. it is really cool. it is called "munchin mike" i have one and use it a lot. i love it.